Your New Year’s Resolution Check-in
Health and Wellness
Can you believe we’re already a quarter of the way through 2023? The first three months of the year have flown by, but there’s a whole lot of year left. So, if you’ve had trouble sticking to your resolutions, there’s plenty of time left to get back on top of it and finish 2023 strong. The start of a new quarter is a great time for a New Year’s resolution check-in, and it can help you with things like setting attainable goals and staying motivated in the face of setbacks.
Your New Year’s Resolution Check-in
Start Back by Setting Attainable Goals
Anyone who’s ever sat down at an all-you-can-eat buffet knows the dangers of having eyes that are bigger than your stomach. The same principle works with your ambitions from the beginning of the year. If you’re not setting attainable goals, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Don’t say you’re going to lose 30 pounds and beat yourself up for not doing it. Start with easier objectives like working out a few times a week and preparing healthier meals. Setting attainable goals makes it easier to see your progress and stay motivated.
Staying Motivated with a Little Help
Staying motivated is easier said than done, even when you’re setting attainable goals that pay off. A great way to keep your eye on the prize and fixed on those short-term and long-term goals is to have your friends and family hold you accountable. The people who care about you can catch you when you slip, lift you up, and give you that little push you need. And it could even turn out to be a two-way street—if someone you know is struggling with staying motivated, have a New Year’s resolution check-in with them and you may wind up being the support system they need.
There’s Never a Wrong Time
Did you break your New Year’s resolution? It doesn’t matter if it’s the start of April, the end of August, or the middle of October. You can start new, better habits any time. Sure, the motivation of a new year can be the impetus for a change, but the goal is always to stick with your new habits until they become part of your healthier lifestyle. Part of setting attainable goals may mean not tying results to any specific time or date. Let them happen, celebrate your successes, and keep pushing yourself for better—on your own schedule.
Get Your Goals on Track with Williamsburg Chiropractic
New month, new quarter, new start. If you’d like a New Year’s resolution check-in and check-up on your health, visit Williamsburg Chiropractic in Brooklyn, NY. Schedule an appointment and we’ll show you how chiropractic care can be a game-changer when it comes to staying motivated, energized, and engaged.
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